On Saturday 24th January, 6 DUBC rowers and a coxswain went north to Belfast for the 2024 Lagan Head of the River, DUBC’s first event of the spring racing season. Three boats were entered, a Senior 4- in the morning 4.2k head race, and an Intermediate 4+ and Club 1x in the afternoon 2.7k head race.

In the morning’s longer race, composed primarily of eights and quads, DUBC’s Senior 4- put on a strong showing, placing first in their category, fourth overall, and the fastest four-oared boat of the morning, beating out nearly two dozen eight-oared boats. All this despite a clash on the penultimate bend and steering a challenging and unfamiliar course.

In the afternoon’s 2.7k head race, an Intermediate 4+ and Club 1x took to the water. The 4+, made up of three of the four athletes who raced in the morning’s Senior 4-, started first and finished first, once again winning their category and being the fastest four-oared boat in the race, while coming in second overall by a mere 0.4 seconds. DUBC’s Club 1x placed 3rd in his category, negotiating a new and challenging course in DUBC’s first sculling entry of the season.

Thank you to Belfast Rowing Club and all other clubs and individuals involved with organizing this wonderful event!

As the season continues, the lads are keeping their heads down and continuing to train hard, with eyes set on the Colours Boat Races on March 30th through city centre Dublin, and the Reserves Races the previous night in Islandbridge. Before that, we are looking forward to the Senior 8+ donning stripeys for the first time this season and the Novice 8+’s first race next Saturday 2nd March at Erne Head of the River in Enniskillen.