Captain’s Committee 2024/25

Ben Reid

Ben Reid


Ben is a 4th year Business, Economics, and Social Studies student. He joined DUBC in 2021 as a novice. He has been a dedicated member of DUBC for all four years of college, and during his time served as Vice Captain in 2023/24, and Honorary Treasurer in the 2022/23 season. In 2023, he was a member of the winning Club 8+ at the Irish Rowing Championships.
Cormac Feely

Cormac Feely

Vice-Captain and Inclusivity Officer

Cormac is currently completing his masters in Computer Science. He joined DUBC during his first year in 2020 after a successful junior rowing career. During the 2023/24 season, Cormac served as DUBC’s House and Grounds and Fundraising secretary, and Inclusivity officer. He was a member of the winning 2023 Club 8+ at the Irish Rowing Championships.
James O'Brien

James O'Brien


James is a 4th year Business, Economics, and Social Studies student. He joined DUBC in 2021 as a Novice Coxswain where he was a member of the winning 2022 Dan Quinn Shield 8+. In 2023, he coxed the winning Senior Colours Reserves 8+. During the 2022/23 season, James served as the DUBC Records Secretary, and as the Honorary Secretary during the 2023/24 season.
Pearce Mooney

Pearce Mooney

Hon. Secretary

Pearce is a 2nd year Engineering Student. He joined DUBC during the 2023/24 season as a Senior after a successful junior rowing career at Neptune Rowing Club. During his first year at DUBC, he was a member of the winning Senior 4- and Inter 4+ at Lagan Head of the River.
George Roberts

George Roberts

Hon. Treasurer

George is a 4th year student studying Music. He joined DUBC as a Novice during the 2022/23 season where he was a member of the winning 2023 Dan Quinn Shield 8+, as well as the Novice 8+ at the 2023 University Championships. During the 2023/24 season, he was a member of the winning 2023 Colours Reserves Intermediate 4+, and Senior 4- and Inter 4+ at Lagan Head of the River.
Caroline Welch

Caroline Welch

Records Secretary and Social Secretary

Caroline is a 3rd year Psychology student. She joined DUBC during the 2022/23 season as a Novice Coxswain where she was a member of the winning 2023 Dan Quinn Shield 8+, and the Novice 8+ at the 2023 University Championships. During the 2023/24 season, she coxed the winning Inter 4+ at Lagan Head of the River, and during the 2024/25 season coxed the Men’s Club 8+ at the Head of the Charles Regatta.
Morgan Brennan

Morgan Brennan

House and Grounds Secretary

Morgan is a 3rd year Computer and Electrical Engineering Student. He joined DUBC as a Novice in the 2022/23 season where he was a member of the winning 2023 Dan Quinn Shield 8+. 
Henry Beer

Henry Beer

House and Grounds Secretary (Kit)

Henry is a 2nd year Religion Dual BA student. He joined DUBC during the 2023/24 season as a Senior after a successful year of rowing at Abingdon School Boat Club. During that season, he was a member of the winning 2023 Colours Reserves Intermediate 4+, and Senior 4- at Lagan Head of the River.
Luke Fahy

Luke Fahy

House and Grounds Secretary and Fundraising Secretary

Luke is a 2nd year Philosophy and German student. He joined DUBC during the 2023/24 season as a Novice. During his Novice year he was a member of the winning Novice 4x+ at Cork Regatta.
Fabian Broeker

Fabian Broeker

Novice Assistant

Fabian is a Psychology Conversion student at Trinity. He joined DUBC in the 2023/24 season as a Novice. In that year he was a member of the winning 2024 Dann Quinn Shield 8+.
Noa Moric

Noa Moric

Novice Assistant

Noa is a 3rd year Management, Science, and Information Systems Studies student. He joined DUBC as a Novice during the 2023/24 season. During that year he was a member of the winning 2024 Dann Quinn Shield 8+.
Eoghan Gloster

Eoghan Gloster

Competition and Trip Coordinator

Eoghan is a 2nd year Computer Science student. He joined DUBC as a Novice during the 2023/2024 season. During this season, he was a member of the winning 2024 Dan Quinn Shield 8+.